How to Build a Serverless Application with Next.js and AWS Lambda ?

How to Build a Serverless Application with Next.js and AWS Lambda ?

Building a serverless application with Next.js and AWS Lambda can be a great choice if you want to build a scalable and cost-effective application without worrying about server management. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to build a serverless application with Next.js and AWS Lambda.

What is Serverless Architecture?

Before we dive into the details of building a serverless application, let's briefly define what we mean by serverless architecture. In a serverless architecture, the application logic is implemented as individual functions that are deployed to a cloud provider like AWS. These functions are then invoked by triggers such as HTTP requests, database events, or other events.

The key benefits of serverless architecture include scalability, cost-effectiveness, and reduced operational overhead. With serverless architecture, you only pay for the resources you actually use, and you don't need to worry about scaling infrastructure up or down to handle traffic spikes.

Introducing Next.js

Next.js is a popular React framework that provides server-side rendering capabilities, making it a great choice for building serverless applications. With Next.js, you can build a serverless application that is optimized for performance and SEO, with minimal effort.

Setting up AWS Lambda

To build a serverless application with Next.js and AWS Lambda, you'll first need to set up an AWS account and create a new Lambda function. You can do this using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, or an Infrastructure as Code tool like Terraform.

When creating your Lambda function, you'll need to specify the runtime environment, memory allocation, and function code. You can also configure your function to be triggered by an HTTP request using Amazon API Gateway.

Building a Serverless Application with Next.js and AWS Lambda

Once you've set up your AWS Lambda function, you can start building your serverless application with Next.js. Here are the steps you'll need to follow:

  1. Set up your Next.js project by running npx create-next-app.

  2. Create a new API route in Next.js that corresponds to your Lambda function. This API route should invoke your Lambda function when it receives an HTTP request.

  3. In your Lambda function, you'll need to implement the application logic that corresponds to your API route. This logic can be written in Node.js or another supported language.

  4. Deploy your Next.js application and Lambda function to AWS using the AWS CLI or a tool like Serverless Framework.

  5. Test your serverless application by making an HTTP request to your API route.

Deploying the Application

To deploy your serverless application, you'll need to package and deploy your Next.js application and Lambda function to AWS. You can do this using the AWS CLI or a tool like Serverless Framework.

When deploying your application, you'll need to specify the appropriate IAM roles and permissions for your Lambda function and API Gateway. You'll also need to configure your application to use environment variables for any sensitive configuration data.


In this guide, we've walked you through the steps to build a serverless application with Next.js and AWS Lambda. By leveraging the power of Next.js and the scalability of AWS Lambda, you can build a cost-effective and scalable application without worrying about server management.